
Staying Safe From Cryptocurrency Scams

The growth of blockchain technology, combined with the development of the internet and online services has brought users many positives. Unfortunately, they go hand-in-hand with innovative internet frauds, most commonly referred to as a scam. ICO scam is officially defined as “an illegal plan for making money, especially one that involves tricking people”. Thanks to…

ICO review

ICO Review

The perfect ICO review campaign ICO (Initial Coin Offering) popularity has been spreading even outside the crypto world. It is a form of crowdfunding mechanism, which helps developers gather startup capital and fund their new projects and coins. Moreover, the usual practice for the developers is to seek for investors, to which they can sell…

Crypto Airdrop

Crypto Airdrop

The term airdrop has been getting more and more popular in the crypto space lately. But what exactly is an airdrop? The simplest way to describe it is “free coins”. Аll you need to do in order to get them is to fill out just a few forms. This blog post aims to explain everything…

ICO Bounty Programs

ICO Bounty Programs

What are ICO Bounty programs campaigns? When you hear about bounty you can think of the Wild Wild West and how you can get money for capturing a criminal. But here, in the World Wide Web, ICO Bounty Program has a bit of a different meaning. Yes, it is still fascinating, but, in contrast to…


Blockchain 101: All You Need to Know About the Blockchain Technology

Words like Blockchain, ICO, cryptocurrency and smart contracts are creating a lot of buzz. However, some of them may seem somewhat misunderstood at times. But fear not, they are not rocket science. The blockchain technology is actually a combination of three basic and proven in time practices – cryptography, P2P networking and a framework, called…

ICO Marketing

ICO Marketing

You have a great idea about a new blockchain product or service. You are forming a team. Some people are going to work on the fundament of the technology, some will have manager’s tasks, and in some moment you get to the marketing. Maybe you know some marketing specialists, but an ICO is a too…